All Gods Are One, He is within everyone & Everywhere – Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan Performance Excerpt from 1993 “Allah Hoo” Recorded in London, 1993 by BBC
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All Gods Are One, He is within everyone & Everywhere – Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan Performance Excerpt from 1993 “Allah Hoo” Recorded in London, 1993 by BBC
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The Messengers of Peace & Humanity
Exactly 20 years back from today Symphony Hall Birmingham had the honor of presence of two of worlds greatest messengers of peace “Nelson Mandela” & “Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan”. The occasion was made memorable by another great performance by Nusrat Fateh Ali khan in honor of welcoming “Nelson Mandela” to Birmingham. Continue reading
The NewMusic was an award winning Canadian TV Show & News Magazine that ran from early 80’s to mid 2000’s It presented contemporary popular music in social , political, spiritual & economical aspects. The show did a profile on NFAK in 92-93, take a look… It contains a few unseen performances, interviews and insights All thanks goes to Mr. Sonny Jhetta for uploading this gem, keep visiting his channel for more surprises..
Nusrat was my Elvis! takes an in depth and historians take on Emergence, International impact & Legacy of Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan. The programme features interviews of Celebrity Fans such as Amitabh Bachchan, Peter Gabriel & many prominent music personalities and taking about cultural impact of Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan on Pakistan & Asians. You will get to listen one of the first recorded Qawwali’s of NFAK & excerpts of some of his greatest entrancing tracks. The program was received by high praise in music journals…
Copyright BBC 4, Gazelle Media
Part 2 of a Nusrat Story with pure Qawwali!!
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